KYC for your Company
Simple. Secure. Modern.

Optimal web solution for your KYC forms
With KYC.web you manage your KYC forms according to the strictest existing security laws completely online and easy.
Fill Out
Complete relevant form fields
Upload documents securely
Receive and check forms

Logical user interface for all devicesThe user interface of KYCweb is based on simple but intelligent criteria. User documents, such as; passport, certificates or extracts, can be uploaded quickly and safely. In the case of legal entities, the path must always lead to the natural persons behind it, thus counteracting obfuscation.
"Woe to him who trusts a stranger."
"Gwae a ymddiried i estrawn"
Secure data processing in the safecloudEncoding
All data is automatically stored encrypted by means of end-to-end encryption and can’t be passed on to third parties.
Safecloud storage
All servers are located in highly secure certified data centers in Austria. For you, this means that all user data is protected by the strict Austrian and EU-wide data protection laws.
This is how KYCweb worksPayment Plans.
Efficient solutions to save time
Monthly payment49€ / Month*
1€ / KYC Form
6€ / KYC eIDAS signed
Yearly payment500€ / Year*
1€ / KYC Form
6€ / KYC eIDAS signed
Upon requestRequest
Please contact us
We will adjust the tool for your need
* Net value, 20% tax will be added / billing by invoice or direct debit
Please contact us, if you have questions
A company of
Global Data Protection GmbH
Biberstrasse 10 / 6
1010 Vienna
Tel: +43 1 392 0005
Fax: +43 1 551 00 001

A company of
Global Data Protection GmbH
Biberstrasse 10 /6
1010 Vienna
A safe place for your data!
Cloud storage and chat developed in Austria.
eIDAS signature
KYC checked signing process by means of fingerprint, video and face recognition.
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Erstellung und Vertrieb von Softwareprodukten, Erbringung von Dienstleistungen im Bereich der Informationstechnologie (Beratung, Softwareentwicklung, Betrieb von IT-Lösungen).
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